The polyhalite deposit was formed in the late Permian period, around 260 million years ago, in the southern North Sea basin. What was then the Zechstein Sea periodically evaporated, leaving behind a sequence of mineral deposits including the shelf and basin seams of polyhalite.
Between July 2011 and August 2013, over 16,000m of exploratory boreholes were drilled from the surface to test the extent and grade of the polyhalite deposit. From the boreholes, 4,200m of core was successfully recovered along with detailed downhole wireline logging data.
Results confirmed that our area of interest contains a polyhalite resource of 2.69 billion metric tonnes, as defined according to the internationally recognised JORC code. This is just 7% of the Project area of interest and provides an asset excess of 100 years. Within the resource area, there is a JORC compliant Probable Mineral Reserve of 290 million tonnes of polyhalite.
To find out more, please visit our POLY4 website.